
A Hackathon to Help the Community:


More Information

Our Goal

Our goal is to create a hackathon for the Bronx centered around the theme: How can you improve life in your neighborhood using digital tools? HackTheBronx is for high school and middle school students who are looking to help their community. Our goal is for participants to refine, develop, and communicate unique and promising ideas and projects to the judges while fostering a deeper interest in Computer Science.

Why The Bronx?

We go to school in the Bronx and want to give back to our community. Relative to other areas in New York, the Bronx does not have the same share of technological resources and we want to help change that.

How To Get Involved?

Join our Devpost and/or Discord when HackTheBronx starts! Press the "register" button to register for Hack the Bronx.

What Is An (Online) Hackathon?

A hackathon is an event where programmers get together to collaborate on a project over a short period of time, usually a weekend. HackTheBronx will be fully online this year which means that all projects will be submitted through Devpost, a platform that hosts a multitude of hackathons.

Why a Hackathon?

We wanted to start a hackathon because we believe learning how to code helps improve participants’ prospects. Moreover, HackTheBronx focuses on digital tools which when customized to individual neighborhoods can make life easier for everyone.

What is Innovative?

HackTheBronx focuses on local problems in areas that do not have enough digital access. It also has a strong teaching element for students who do not have enough digital access while focusing on the Bronx community.


The third HackTheBronx will take place from May 26th to June 1st 2025. The devpost is now live! Click on Register to visit it! Participants can take part with up to 3 other teammates. We will also be distributing computers to those who need them through an application process. The hackathon will be completely run on Devpost. We will evaluate the solutions (possibly with outside judges) and send out the prizes to the winners. We will publicize the winning entries and support ways to implement winning ideas.

There will be three main sections of HackTheBronx:
1. An Ideathon - Participants will develop and test an idea. Winning ideas will be pushed for implementation.
2. A Beginner Hackathon - Participants will use Scratch to visualize/prototype an idea.
3. The More Advanced Hackathon - Participants will use higher-level text-based programming languages to communicate an idea.

About Us

We are three sisters who attend high school at Horace Mann School in the Bronx. We enjoy participating in hackathons and want to spread our love for them throughout our community. We are passionate about improving people's lives through technology and are confident that HackTheBronx will tap into the creativity of the neighborhoods to do so.

Proudly sponsored by:

We are still looking for sponsors to cover prize. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor please reach out to us using our contact information below.